Thursday, December 20, 2012

What is Christmas???

Only one more school day until Christmas, so today the children wrote about what Christmas is about for them.  Here is what the cute little kiddos had to say...

Landon...Christmas is all about Jesusis birth.  When Jesus was born evreybuty wanted to see him.  Jesus was a grat baby.  He dident make aney mustakes.  He was a nis man.  But he diud and it was not fun.  I know Jesus is a good man.

Brandon...Christmas is all about giveing.  Giveing is when you give a present to uther people.  Giveing is when you give something away.  I know to not to keap old toys.  I can ring broken toys to the fiyer stashen.

Ellie...Chrismas is about Jesus.  Is his birthday.  We wouldit be here.  Is not about getign toes an the things you get in yor stoking!

Brooklyn...Christmas is all about Jeaves.  Do you thing? I do.  My mom told me.  All of my family things that.  Jeaves was born in Bethahem.  The ghree wis man came.  The sheperds came too.  Do you know abawt Jeaves?  I hope.  I love Jeaves.

Mandi...Christmas is all about Jeses Birth.  Jeses was bord on Christmas day.  I promies Jeses is what Christmas is all about.

Jaiden...Christmas is all about being with my famly be coz it is pridy much the only time to  and you can do fun things rily fun games to.  Or you can woch famly moovs and some times you can woch yor favrit moovs.

Aiden...Christmas is about Jesuses birth.  If if wasent I wouldent be writeing.  We wouldent be here cus God woulent creeate us.

Addison... Christmas is all about Jeasus.  He was born on Christmas day.  Thats why I love Christmas.  The the angls new that thar is going to have a new king!  He is rily nice.

Brock...Christmas is all about when Jesus was born.  He was the one hoow made up of giveing. They sellberate that Jesus was born.  he was bornd on Christmas day.  When it's Christmas I fill good that Jesus was born.

Colton...Christmas is all about Jesus Christ.  He was born on Christmas day.  Their was a bright star.  I love Christmas.

Alex...Christmas is all about Jezes.  Wen he got bond!  It was moning when it wus the spot to be born.

Gavin...Christmas is all about Christ.  The frist pepol that saw the star sra the seprds and wise men.

Sydnie...Christmas is all about spending time weth the famle.  Is aslo about geving insten of reseving.  Merry Christmas.

Ethan...I theg Chrismas is about Jesus brth.  Do you know why cus it whus his birthday!  Whin he whus burd.  That is a good day to have his birthday.

Kalin...Christmas is all about Jesisis Brthday.  He was born on Christmas.

Joseph...Christmas is all about Jesus berth cus it is inportut for Christms day.  It is importut for me on Christmas day too.

Kambrie...Christmas is all about Jesuss berth.  Cas he is our servre.  It is asllo about Jesuss berth cas he dide for us.  He was born on Christmas.  I love Christmas.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Gingerbread Houses!

Last Thursday we got to celebrate Christmas with a tradition from Germany, decorating gingerbread houses!  The kiddos each brought candies that we shared!  What a fun day!  They looked adorable when they left to go home.  (I understand that some of them are actually still looking colorful and sweet, even 4 days later!)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What are first graders wanting for Christmas?

Today we wrote letters to Santa.  I thought you might like to know what the hot items are that first graders are asking for this year.  See if you can figure them out.

     A scuder
     Sum polepocits
     My own mokkn chrol car
     My own jio track tran
     Rill pupy
     A pant set
     A rodeoset with bos and hoses and sep and cafs to
     A cidol
     Boandero for my bruther
     Sum earn for my sistr
     A buteyfl stachyow for my Mom and Dad
     A alechric poney namd Bayby Butercup
     A Ipod ples
     Tow presens
     A pando
     A mer cin grll dall
     A rill reng for my sister
     Sum pjamuz for my mom and dad
     A esee back ovenn
     A dies for bord gams
     A fyou books
     A popcorn makr
     A cotin cane makr
     A busciball hoop
     A donut makr
     My 2 frunt teth

Interpretations... a scooter, some Polly Pockets, mermaids, my own remote control car, my own GI track train, bike, Toy Story Land Field?  cookie macker, real puppy, Dream Light? A paint set, a roeo set with bulls and horses and sheep and calves too, a Kindle, bow and arrow for my brother, some yarn for my sister, a beautiful statue for my mom and dad, an electric pony named Baby Buttercup, an ipod please,  two presents, a panda, American Girl doll, a real ring for my sister, some pajamas for my mom and dad, an Easy-Bake oven, a dice for board games, a few books, a popcorn maker, a cotton candy maker, a basketball hoop, a donut maker, my 2 front teeth.



Our Classroom Rainforest!!

Our Literacy Unit this past week was centered around the rainforest.  The kiddos were so engrossed in it that they wanted to create their own rainforest right in the classroom.  So they all brought animals from home and we lived right in the middle of the First Grade Rainforest, complete with 37 different animals swinging and climbing through the canopy and understory of our tropical jungle!

Crazy Hair Day!

We sure had a Wacky Wednesday with the children sporting some strange (and rather creative) hairdos.  This was definately a Hat's Off day!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Writing About Food!

Last week our writing was centered on Food.  These kiddos did such a great job that I thought I'd better post just a page of each of their books  Enjoy!!!.

-by Kambrie
Wen I eat food is a Crismes.  We get to have a cadl-lit dinr.  We have goblits for our cups.  Wons on Crismis me and Jacie and Kenzie and Hailey got to srv my mom and dad.  My mom and dad wud reng a bell when they nedit somthing.

-by Brock
How to Make Bananu Bred
First you get choclit chips and a bunanu.  Next you smash the bananu and put it in the boll and the choclit chips.  Then you miks the boll and put it in the ofin and wate for a awer.  Last you eat and yum!

-by Ethan
Where does food come from?  When you kill dir you get mete.  Cows give you chese bes give you hunee.  Birds give mete.  

-by Kaitlin
Where do we get food?  Well, pigs give us backin.  It is fantastick.  My dad ets pig.  My mom ets it too.  She thenks its fabulos!

-by Brandon
How to make brownes
First make the bater.  Next put the bater in the uvin.  Then take the brownes owt of the uvin.  Bake for 20 minis.  Last put the chokcit frosting, then let it cl down.

-by Alex
How to Make Cayk
First you get the bowl.  Next you get sum eggs and pot the eggs in the bowl.  Then you get sum mick and pot it in then you are dun.

-by Jaiden
Where does food come from?  Food comes from bacers.  Bacers rol and pat the do to make the do soft to make a cack. 

-by Andy
How to Make Zoocene Bred
First you get a zoocene aot of the gadin, then you kut it.  Next you git all af it aot.  Then you git eggs and miks it.  Last you ck it for a awr.

-by Nate
How to Make a Blud Cake
First you get big bull.  Next you get eegs and crack them.  Then you get sum watr.  Then you mix it.  Then coock it for 6 minits.  Then you pul awt.

-by Phillip
Food gives you alot of enrgy.  It gives you nutryants.  Do you like spinech becau I love it.  We eat food becas it gives us enrgy. 

-by Gavin
How to Make Breakfast
First you get serel.  Next you get a bol.  Then you get a spon and then you get milk and then you por the serel and then you por your milk and last you eat it. 

-by Sydnie
You sood eat five helthe foods a day.  Some times they dont not tast good.  Bot it doset men that it iset good for you. 

-by Kalin
What food comes from.  Hune cums frome bees.  They clect nectr frame flawrs.  Then a prsin cums to the beehiv.  He ges the nectr and makes hunne. 

-by Landon
My mom cocs bens som times, not afend.  I kno thet bens make you strog.  My moms bens are good, I am teling you, they are good!  

-by Ellie
How to Make Con
First get con then pill the skin off.  Next cock it and put it on yor plet.

-by Aiden
How to Make a Sosij Pancake
First take it out of the pakij.  Next put it on a plate.  Then put it in the mikr weav.  Last koock it for a minit.  Then eat it.

-by Joseph
How to Make a Chease Toko
You get out a flat topeng, then you get chease out.  Then grab cheas out av the bag.  Then put it on the topeng!  Wan it is dun, get it out. 

-by Nathan H. 
How to Make Cinumin Scones
First get douw.  Next sred the douw.  Then put it in to coock.  Last put cinumin on. 

-By Mandi
How to Make Vnalu Cupcakes
First you gite a cupcake pane.  Next you gite cupcake badre.  Then you gite egg and milke.  Last you gite froting and cadey and sringlses and you put it in the uvine for 2 minist.

-By Brooklyn
How to Make Cookes
First get a boll.  Next we get choklit chips then you get egs and a bag of flawr.  Then you mikxs it.  Last we thak them awt.  At last we can eat them.  

-by Etnie
We ned food.  Ne ned vagodbls.  We ned all cinsof food.  We eat vrut, all cids.  Ever one shd be eating hathe food, like me.

-by Jordan
You ned food be cos you ned musoll.  You ned to roon with your frinds.  You eat food be cos it tast good. 

Cupcake Day!!!

Friday was Cupcake day in first grade.  We had rotations with the other classes where we played games, had a writing project and read stories about cupcakes.  Our favorite part of the day was turning a cupcake into a turkey by creating different addition and subtraction equations!
 Last week we had a service day for our school. Our first graders weeded the front flower bed and prepared the soil for planting. Then we selected tulips and daffodils to plant.  We can't wait to see them come up year after year and be reminded that we helped make our school a more beautiful place to look at!

Happy Halloween!

We had the best costumes in the whole school for Halloween this year.  We started the day with a parade outside around the school where parents and friends got to see our great costumes.  Then we had rotations with the other first grade classes.  We ended the day with a party that our room moms organized for us.  We played musical chairs, made ghoulish treats and played Halloween Bingo!  It was SCARY how much fun we had!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Double Stuff Club!

We're smart, we're tough!
We know our Double Stuff!
Everyone in the class was able to pass off their doubles and earned the right to be in the Double Stuff Club!  So Thursday we had our Double Stuff Day!  We learned the 'proper' way to dip a double stuff oreo cookie, and had double the fun all afternoon.  We even learned how knowing our doubles can help us in subtraction too!

Our First Author's Celebration

This past Wednesday we had our first Author's Celebration!  The children each selected their favorite story that they've written this term and practiced reading it.  Then we invited parents in to be our audience.  They each took a turn showing their story through the projector and reading it into the microphone.  They were each so amazing!  The stories were impressive and entertaining!  I'm so proud of all their hard work!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pajama & Movie Day!

 To culminate our Red Ribbon Week we had a movie day and could wear our pajamas to school!  What a fun, comfortable way to celebrate the fact that we've all promised to stay away from things that can harm our bodies!  Watching a movie with friends was way more fun than taking drugs would be!

Ancient Petroglyphs!!

We have had a blast learning about rocks and soil for the last 3 weeks in science.  This week we learned about how virtually everything we have comes from rocks or couldn't exist without rocks!  One interesting use of rocks was how the ancient Americans would write their stories on rocks.  Those pictures still exist today!  So we made our own petroglyphs  by carving our own stories into rock.  It was way fun!

Read-a-Thon for Red Ribbon Week

This week was Red Ribbon Week.  We discovered a lot of things that were better (and more fun) than taking drugs that would destroy our bodies and minds.  On Thursday we had a Read-A-Thon! That was definitely better than drugs & alcohol ! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Read To Self!

We've been learning that to be great readers who love to read we need to read to ourselves every day.  We've been working on building our 'reading stamina'.  To do that, we've learned that during our READ-TO-SELF time, there are certain behaviors that we should have.  Here are a few of 
what the children came up with:
 Readers keep their eyes on the book and their minds thinking about what they're reading.
Readers use their mouths to mumble the words as they read. R
 Readers stay in the same place and don't move around the room.
 Readers focus on what they're reading.
 Readers choose a spot to read that will help them focus without distractions.
 Readers track the words as they read.

Enemy Pie!

After reading our new favorite book, Enemy Pie, we earned 'pie points' until we had filled up the pie.  Then we got to make our own version of Enemy Pie!  We started with mud and added worms and old fish, dirt, string...all kinds of strange things to get rid of enemies.  Then, of course, we ate it!  Now we'll forever be friends!  Strangely and disgustingly delicious!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Watermelon Day!

 There's no better way to celebrate the coming of fall than to have a First Grade Watermelon Day!  We had some great activities all centered around watermelon.  We learned about how they grow, played games, read stories, saw weird watermelon pictures, sang a new watermelon song, and, of course ATE watermelon!! It was juicy and delicious.

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Graders Get More Recess!

 The kids say that more recess was one of the things they
were looking forward to the most when they started first grade! 
Plus, they get to play on the 'big kid' playground!!!