Monday, September 26, 2011

Apple Day!

Apple day was so much fun. Each of the kids brought an apple and we made some 'friendship' applesause that simmered all day long. It smelled amazing! ...and it tasted great too. What a great day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Festival!!!!!!!

The fall festival that the PTA put on last week was a huge success! We had a blast going to all the different events (all centered around great literature). The kids got to have their hair colored, launch rockets, eat, play on big bouncy toys, design masks, and play carnival games. What a night! Thank-you PTA for all you do for our school!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Our latest king!

Safety on the Playground??

As scientists we conducted an experiment on the playground to see what happens if we're not careful and skid along the pavement or fall from the playground equipment. We tested an apple, a peach, an egg, and a ball. We decided that 1st graders are most like a peach, kind of soft on the outside and the skin will easily scrape off or crack if we're not careful. It was a little messy but cool to watch.

Our King for Last Week!

A royal day for our king!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Watermelon Day!!!

We celebrated summer with a wonderful Watermelon Day on Friday. We sang songs, wrote stories, played games, did some art, estimated the size, and finally got to taste some. It proved to be just like our song...we got more on the outside than in! What fun!