Saturday, November 28, 2009

We have tons to be thankful for!!!

This year as we got ready to celebrate Thanksgiving we learned about the pilgrims and Indians. We even got to see some real Indian things! We also made our own 'Sweet Dream Pie" after reading a funny story. But the best part was when we got to share our latest stories about our "Most Thankful Thing." We scanned our pages for the story, then taped our voices reading the text. We invited the parents to a special Author's Celebration on Tuesday and got to see all our stories in the "Movies." It was a great day!

The lastest great science experiments!

Taos taught us about how germs travel through the air when we cough. Yuk!

Hannah taught us about how cats are able to clean their fur with their rough tongues. Cool!

Adam taught us about the distance between the sun and all the planets in our solar system. Wow!

Katie showed us how to explode a film canister into the air with water and alka seltzer! Amazing!

Emily showed us why she could 'magically' hold a cup upside down without the water leaking out. Very courageous!

Lily did an incredible experiment where she put Ivory soap into the microwave and it literally grew!! Our eyes grew too!!!

Graham showed us how adding soda to vinegar makes it explode like a volcano! Woa!!!

Good Bye Miss Wagner! We'll miss you!

After 4 great weeks having Miss Wagner in our classroom as a BYU cohort student teacher, we really grew to love her. We'll miss her a lot. We loved doing PE with her and having us teach us different lessons in reading and language arts. Good luck in your next teaching experiene Miss Wagner!

Cashing in our money!

After nearly a month of earning pennies for all kinds of things, from great behavior and wonderful work to simply being incredible students...we got to go to the Olsen Market and spend our cash! We had a great time making decisions on what to spend our money on and then got to do some great math as we added up our tab.

A couple more great science experiments!!!

Anika taught us about why oil separates from colored water.

Brandt taught us about static electricty!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy Halloween!

What a fun Halloween we had!!! We experienced some 'real' witches brew, paraded around the school to show off our amazing costumes, and had a great party that our room moms planned for us. At the party we got to play "Toss a hat on a Pumpkin", Halloween Bingo, Halloween Pictionary, and also got to feel some gross 'mad scientist' eyeballs and things. It was pretty spooky and wild...definately tons of fun!