Tuesday, February 15, 2011


As part of our math lately we've been taking different "Minute-To-Win-It
" challenges. We've had a great time seeing how many cups we can blow off the table in 60 seconds then making a line plot to organize the information as each contenstant participates.
What a fun way to learn and really use our math skills!

In this challenge we had to see how many noodles we could scoop onto a spaghetti noodle in 60 seconds. Wow it took total concentration to get even one on, then to keep it on while we put additional ones on the noodle was even harder!

Our favorite challenge was trying to catch a "fish" pretzel using a gummy worm that we'd gotten all sticky, but without using our hands. Half the battle was just being able to hold still without laughing so hard!

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