Saturday, October 23, 2010


To celebrate the completion of our Red Ribbon Week we brought our favorite books and ot to have a read-a-thon! We had a great time!

The latest scientists!

Ryan came up with an experiment all on his own, and also discovered that they don't always work just like you practiced. He did it again for us on Friday and showed us how the heat, like the heat of the sun, makes water in a lake evaporate. You could actually see the water bubbling up into the bottle. It was cool!

Max put baking soda into some vinegar to create carbon dioxide gas that would blow up the balloon, We kept it overnight and it still had about 1/2 the balloon filled up. Way fun!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hooray for Pajama Day!!!

Today we got to sleep in and come to school in our P.J.s!!! We're celebrating red ribbon week this week and our theme today was "Follow your dreams, don't do drugs!" What a fun day! My only regret is that I was at a district meeting all day and had to actually get dressed for it so I didn't get to wear 'my' pajamas, and I didn't get to enjoy the kid's p.j.s all day. Oh well, thank goodness for pictures!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Science Fun!

We had a wonderful time learning about the force of gravity last week. We learned that is always pulling on us. It was cool to see how gravity affects balls of different sizes, pulling them to the earth at the same speed. But the shape of objects will fall at different speeds because of the air around them. "May the force be with you all."
Jacob's science experiment was a blast!!! He put Mentos mints into a bottle of Diet Coke and stepped back quickly so we could all watch the explosion! It was awesome!

Brock blew up a balloon and then taped a piece of straw to the balloon, then let go as we all watched the force of the air push the balloon forward. It was neat to watch the balloon go in the opposite direction of the excaping air!

Grace taught us about the interesting properties of water molecules. She was able to drop over 30 droplets of water onto a penny before it would spill off! After she was done we each got to take a dropper home to try this one on our own. Lucky!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We love science!

Tyler taught us how sound waves travel through a string and then the vibrations reach our ear drum. Each of the kids got to try it and hear how loud it sounded!

Ruby showed us how the light waves bend when they go through water. It makes things, like a penny and a plum look magically bigger! Incredible!

Kennedy made static electricty by rubbing a balloon on some of our hair. Then she showed us how the electricity would attract pepper to the balloon. It was interesting to notice that the balloon pulled up the pepper a lot easier than the salt.

Book of the Month...Stand Tall Molly Lou Mellon!

Our book this month is a fun story of an interesting little girl, Molly, who learns some valuable lessons from her Grandma that help her deal with the challenges that come with being 'different'. We're also trying to remember those same things. These are the four lessons her grandmother taught her:

“Stand tall and the world will look up to you.”
“Smile big and the world will smile back at you.”
“Sing out clear and strong and the world will cry tears of joy!”
“Believe in yourself and the world will believe in you too.”

Dad's and Donuts!!!

This morning the PTA handed out milk and donuts before school!!! Our dads came with us and after we munched down on a delicious donut, the Dads read stories and got to see our classrooms! It was so fun to have the dads there. What a great way to start the day!