Sunday, April 18, 2010

Earth Game

This past week we read a story about how kids, even our age, can make a difference to help save our earth's environment. We learned how to play "The Earth Game". It was cool to see how when we do something positive it can effect others in a positive way and can benifit out world. We also learned how some things we do can have a negative effect on the world. We want to be a positive force to all around us!

A Day On The Farm!

Friday we got to go visit Harward Farms where different types of farmers from around the state taught us about what they do and the importance that farming plays in our lives.

We had a picnic at the park in Spanish Fork on the way home and enjoyed the sunny cool weather while we played for just a few minutes on the playground!

Our guide at the farm was awesome and we had a lot of fun going from station to station.

The talking tomato was a big hit! How did she know us so well??? Hm...
Petting the animals was probably our favorite part. We got to pet pigs, goats, a horse, and a lamb. We also got to see a sheep get sheered. What a haircut!

Kyler, is that a 'real' cow you're milking?????

Taos was the bee keeper for the day. What an outfit!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Harvest Time!

We finally got to harvest our seeds from our brassica rapa plants! It was sad to let them dry out, but then when we got to open the seed pods and harvest the seeds inside it was awesome! We had so many seeds! Each of us kept some of them to plant if we wanted to, but the rest of them we gave to Mrs. Olsen to have the 2nd graders next year plant. Then they can have the same cool experience that we got to have! We learned so much about the plant cycle!